Betty Schaefer: Hello, Mr. Sheldrake. Bases Loaded, I covered it with a two page synopsis.
Sheldrake: Thank you.
Betty Schaefer: But I wouldn't bother.
Sheldrake: What's wrong with it?
Betty Schaefer: It's from hunger.
Sheldrake: Nothing for Ladd?
Betty Schaefer: It's just a reash of something that wasn't very good to begin with.
Sheldrake: I'm sure you'll be glad to meet Mr.Gillis. He wrote it. This is Miss Kramer.
Betty Schaefer: The name is Schaefer. Betty Schaefer. Right now, I wish I could crawl in a hole and pull it in after me.
"Joe" Gillis: If I can be of any help.
Betty Schaefer: I'm sorry Mr. Gillis, but I just didn't think it was any good. I found it flat and trite.
"Joe" Gillis: Exactly what kind of material do you recommend? James Joyce? Dostoyevsky?
Betty Schaefer: I just think that pictures should say a little something.
"Joe" Gillis: Oh, one of the message kids. Just a story won't do. You'd have turned down Gone With the Wind.
Sheldrake: No, that was me. I said: "Who wants to see a Civil War picture?"
Betty Schaefer: Perhaps the reason I hated Bases Loaded is that i knew your name. I'd always heard you've had some talent.
"Joe" Gillis: That was last year. This year I'm trying to earn a living.
Betty Schaefer: So you take plot 27A, make it glossy, make it slick...
Sheldrake: Ah, ah, ah... Those are dirty words. You sound like a bunch of New York critics. That will be all Miss Kramer...Schaefer.
Betty Schaefer: Goodbye Mr. Gillis.
"Joe" Gillis: Next time, I'll write you The Naked and the Dead!
em Sunset Boulevard, argumento de Billy Wilder, Charles Brackett e D.M.Marshman Jr.